Friday, December 16, 2022

Ramen Hacks Revealed, A Mysterious Fossil, and an Enchanted Crocodile Princess

Surf and Turf Ramen?

Remember we were going to talk about ramen hacks? Here's one from an adventuresome friend of mine: " Throw away flavoring pack, add low sodium chicken broth. Add a package of tuna and warm to boiling. Add egg and cook until it is cooked to your preference."

Wow. That's a good one. There are two others in the RameNirvana blogpost of Dec. 6th, in the 'comments' section...

Before I share my favorites, here are some fails: Cheese of any kind (unless you like salty bubble gum that is nearly impossible to clean off the pan); spam (speaking of dying from a salt overdose!); salsa (I know, it was the only other thing in the kitchen); mayo (nuff said). 

Successful (in my humble opinion) hacks: yes, an egg! Also: broccoli or chopped cabbage (boil them, then add the noodles); tofu cubes; frozen corn or peas; sesame oil if you have it; and you can never go wrong with chopped green onions. 

Try 'em all!   

OK, now crocodiles. 

It All Starts With A Cute Mascot

I live in a university researcher dorm at the University of Osaka. This little number is on many of the signs around campus. His name (I've been told it's male) is Dr. Wani. I wonder if he is tenured yet.

Yep, I'm cute. Probably tenure-track.

This is what I teach classes in!

What does a crocodile have to do with a university in Japan you might ask? 

Yay, a Japanese Fossil!

Well, in the 1960s during parking lot construction, workers unearthed the nearly complete skeleton of a 2-million year-old, very large, crocodile!  

The skeleton of Toyotamaphimeia machikanensis now graces the wall of the University museum.

Note the paleontologist's white slip-on leisure shoes. He looks so happy. I love this guy.   

It's a Crocodile's Life (Nasty, Brutish, and about 27 Feet Long...)

This fossil had major injuries. One of the hind legs was severely broken and re-healed, with weird bony lumps. There were big tooth punctures in the armored 'scutes' on its back. And, somebody bit off half the lower jaw of this huge croc, but it managed to get by anyway!
I can still eat snails and turtles!

A Scaley Yet Beautiful Princess from Mythical Times...

The unusual genus name of Toyotamaphimeia comes from a Princess. But not a Cinderella type princess: a much more impressive one!
This enchanting princess was the daughter of the Dragon King of the Sea. She fell in love with a volcanic prince, Hoori, and agreed to live on land with him. But when she became pregnant she asked him to give her absolute privacy during the birth. Naturally, he peeked...

 Princess Toyotama gives birth by turning herself into a dragon. From a set of prints (Azuma nishiki chuya kurabe), “Edo Embroidery Pictures.” The series published by Kobayashi Tetsujirō in 1886.

...and saw his child being cradled by a huge crocodile (or dragon some say). Poor Princess Toyotama was horrified and abandoned her child, returning to the sea forever. My haiku to honor the tale/tail:

Don't look! she told him.
But he did, they always do.
So, Sayonara.

Dr. Wani thanks you for listening. Now go try some ramen.


  1. Thank you for the ramen hacks! I was just pondering this morning how to make my bowl of turkey noodle soup (made with somen) more nutritious and I am inspired to pick up some egg and cabbage at the store. Also, loved the alligator story!

    1. Yay! hope the somen turned out well! I forgot to mention chili paste...


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